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Why we do what we do? (Christmas 2009)

Dec 26, 2009 at 16:35
Category: Central Asia, Yeah God Files


Hello Friends

This is the best Christmas present that we could have possibly received!

This is why we do what we do.

May the miracle of Incarnation that we celebrate continue through us all!

May it continue through Gulnara and a growing company like her!

May you have a blessed Christmas!

May you have a fruitful New Year!

Steve & Marilyn

Testimony from Gulnara, a Newly Active Servant

(translated from Russian)

I thank God that I can love Him, serve Him and glorify Him.  I am crying full of happiness that the Lord has chosen me to share what He has done this year.  Many years have passed since I gave my life to Jesus but only this year my eyes have been opened to the great truths of Jesus, that I am a beloved daughter of God and that He has service for me to do.  Last year I was crying to the Lord for help since I was in great need.  I had become luke warm, my joy had disappeared and I had no spiritual support.  Then I met sister Ainura whom I had known for a long time.  We used to go to a congregational church together before I left to go to Kazakhstan and then Russia to work.  I was water baptized in Russia and when I returned here, I continued to attend a congregational church.

When I saw Ainura I was surprised because she seemed so spiritually strong to me.  I felt such warmth and love from her I asked her if she had become a pastor.  She replied that she is in a movement of house churches and has already for some time been moving outside the borders of our city (Tokmok) and is involved in multiplication across the country and even beyond.  Honestly I had hesitations during a whole year.  How is it possible not to gather on Sundays and not to listen to the anointed pastors?  How is it possible for someone  without spiritual education like me to be really capable of understanding the Bible and able to found new churches? 

Then I started to visit their meetings from time to time and I saw life there.  Everyone felt free to share their revelations and  testimonies.  There were no sermons but the testimonies showed that everyone was ministering to families, visiting people in villages, serving them and helping them in everyday concerns and cares.  Everything they said was confirmed by the Word of God.  Love was flowing from them.

I started to pray.  Because God found me when I was perishing and gave me new life, I had always wanted to go among people and share the good news with them.  This year, through the testimonies I again felt the power of the wind and heard the sound of heaven.  I received freedom from offences and was able to pray with my sister who was near death.  God healed her!  

My prayer was that God would let me share His light with others and He has answered my cry.  At this moment I am serving many people.  God has opened doors to many houses and now eight of them have started to listen.  I also visit relatives and friends.

Everytime we gather we thank God that He gave us revelation about houses of peace where the fire of God gets ignited.  We are praying for our friends Steve and Marilyn and Gulsana and Elena.  May God bless you in all things and always.

Merry Christmas to you!


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