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In Memory of Sergi- for Tajikistan

Oct 29, 2008 at 16:07
Category: Doing the Stuff!, Central Asia

By: Steve Hill

Sergi became a follower of Jesus while in prison near Dushanbe  in 2002.  Several groups faithfully visit and serve in the prison there.  Our friends from Prison Fellowship International encourage this ministry.

Upon release from prison he raised up a small group of disciples in an area of Tajikistan with a population of 200,000 but no known believers.  The local secret police threatened him and asked him to leave.  Local Muslim leaders also threatened him and demanded that he leave.  He stayed.

One evening in 2005 while worshiping with his wife and two other believers,  armed men arrived and shot him through the window.  While the other three lay on the floor and escaped unharmed, Sergi's body was shot many times.  Even the hand plucking the guitar was shot.  Sergi died worshiping Jesus.  He had been a follower of Jesus for three years.

The young men responsible for Sergi's death were arrested and are now in prison where brothers share the love of Jesus with them.  Pray with the brothers in prison that these who were willing to kill for their religion will become followers of Jesus and learn to forgive and love their enemies.  

We just spent several days with a brother who had been Sergi's closest friend and who is also named Sergi. They did everything together.   His friend's martyrdom caused Sergi much pain, uncertainty and depression,  not because he feared for his own life but because he felt the sacrifice was for nothing.  The movement they were a part of felt it necessary  to build the new groups a building.  Sergi watched several churches start in homes with Tajiks following Jesus until a building was built for them.  At first they sat on the floor Asian style but then benches and a pulpit were added so the pastor could preach to the group.  Soon after the Tajiks began to leave until the new building was an empty shell.  Sergi felt his friend's death was in vain.

 Sergi began to embrace the vision of making disciples and multiplying them according to the house of peace principles and  commandments of Jesus in Luke 10.  As he shared this with his movement, they rejected him but he has continued on and is greatly encouraged by meeting up with friends who share and can encourage him in the same vision.  He is a man with God's heart and vision for his nation.

Will you join us in prayer for Sergi and Tajikistan?

Will you pray with us that the blood of this martyr may indeed be the seed of the church in Tajikistan?

Thank you for your prayers and support over this past month.  

We had great days with our friends in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

Steve & Marilyn

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