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Good Story!

Mar 10, 2014 at 12:14
Category: Doing the Stuff!


Dear Steve, I  wanted to let you know how much your Luke 10 Manual has completely screwed us up. It is a dangerous little book, like a suitcase nuke that unexpectedly and completely wiped out our comfortable version of Christianity.  One thing that always stuck with me from the manual was that the harvest IS ready, it IS ripe, and we are to just obey and go…. but for a while I asked myself, “Is it REALLY that simple?”  

We got an idea last November.  My wife, four kids, and I went and bought 50 breakfast tacos from a local restaurant and then drove to an apartment complex in our area. We went door to door asking folks if they’d like a free breakfast taco? Most people said yes, and then after we handed them the taco we asked if there was anything we could pray for them about before we moved to the next door? To our surprise, most people took a taco, and most people let us pray for them.  For those who couldn’t think of anything specific, we just prayed a general prayer of blessing over their lives asking GOD to bless them and give them the desires of their heart.  

Afterwards, we waited 2 weeks and then went back to follow-up with them and see what GOD did.  We have been AMAZED at how God has worked in their lives — we have seen a broken thumb completely healed, people open up their homes to us to begin Discovery Bible Studies, people have accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior right on their front doorstep, barren women have become pregnant — just amazing testimonies that “the lost” are attributing directly to God and the power of Jesus.  

We live in a county of 163,000 people of which 104,000 have no affiliation to a religious community or faith based group.  We have begun mapping out the entire county, everywhere there is an apartment complex, and our plan now is to go to every door armed with a breakfast taco, prayer for the lost, in the power of the Holy Spirit who eagerly desires to bring forth evidence of a risen LORD.  

What began as an "experimental Luke 10 outreach" has emerged into very specific and strategic action to reach an entire county for Christ.

We are also harvesting new workers from the harvest field who immediately obey the commands of Jesus.  

So, all this to say, you were correct: it really IS that simple!  Just obey and go.  

Thank you. :)


(Gabes has given his permission for us to publish this and also to share his name and email if any of you should like to connect with him at  landes.gabe@gmail.com .  You can order a hard copy of the Luke 10 Manual  from www.lulu.com or there are free downloads of the manual in 14 languages on our site at www.harvest-now.org)

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