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Sep 4, 2016 at 17:55
Category: Doing the Stuff!


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On August 29th we celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary with a nice dinner at Red Lodge on Lake Manitou.  Yes, all of the cliches are true especially "We are not old enough for this!"  While we are enjoying life on beautiful Manitoulin Island we got a note from friends in Rwanda.  

"Last week rebels attacked in the eastern part of The D R of Congo where we have many house churches. Houses of brothers were burnt and some lost their lives.  So we church houses in Rwanda raise support of clothes , bibles and others means for  these brothers and sisters. We are planning to leave Rwanda next week to go there to comfort them. So I can say even the funds to reprint the Luke 10 in Swahili came on time because we will take many copies to them for distribution."

Thanks to those of you who helped fund reprinting of the Luke 10 Manual in Swahili.  We have printed about 700 copies in Rwanda.  We were also helped by friends working in Kenya to print 700 copies of the Luke 10 Manual in English in that nation.  

Our next goal is to reprint in Urdu for friends in Pakistan who are seeing Jesus multiply disciples in that nation and who are pleading with us for more copies of the Urdu Luke 10 Manual to fuel the movement in that nation.  

Friends are now working on a translation of the Luke 10 Manual into Arabic,  Tigrinya (Eritrea) and Lugandan (Uganda).

Meanwhile pray for the brothers from Rwanda as they are in DR Congo right now.  

Your brother

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