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Vision & Strategy

Apr 12, 2008 at 22:57

By: Steve Hill

Marilyn and I will be in Central Asia April 6- 26.  What are we doing there? 

Our task is to help the local team to identify, train and release apostolic servants to their culture.

IDENTIFY:  The task of identifying apostolic gift is accomplished through relationship, basic training and fruit.  The fruit test is to have raised up disciples and planted at least three communities of disciples.

TRAIN: The task of training is accomplished primarily by doing. Yes, we help with providing, translating and publishing simple materials (based upon the instruction of Jesus in Luke 10) but we only learn to obey Jesus by obeying Jesus, not by talking about obeying Jesus!

RELEASE: The task of releasing is accomplished through encouragement,  impartation, recognition of fruit and provision of bibles, materials and finances.  Local leaders must be self-sufficient but apostolic gifts need to be sent to pioneer new areas!  They need finances to travel, communicate and to provide simple help wherever they go.

A friend in Armenia lives on the top floor of his apartment building.  Recently the roof was blown off by spring storms and the rain and cold now flow into their apartment.  The other apartments below them in the building do not care since they are not affected or maybe cannot care since they are equally as poor!   This friend and his wife have five small children plus her mother staying with them in their four room apartment.  A children's bible club meets there once per week and this brother walks to three villages to care for groups of disciples.  The cost to repair the roof is almost a full year's income for them- $1200.  In a world of need, this is a small tragedy!  I did not promise to meet the need but I did promise to ask my friends.  Will you help us help them?

Funds given beyond that amount will be applied to the needs of the team in Central Asia. You may place your gift on Harvest Now, Houten, ABNA #405606087

We have team in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan but hundreds of villages remain with no witness to Jesus!  Would you pray with us for laborers for these fields as well as the fields of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and North West China? 

You are invited to join us every Wednesday  as we and our team members fast and pray to bless the Muslim nations. 

For the Harvest!
Steve & Marilyn Hill

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