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Thank You!

Dec 14, 2008 at 14:47

By: Steve Hill

Christmas 2008

As this year winds down there has been a lot of bad economic news and a lot of people and ministries are suffering.  I have some good news for you!  Thanks to your friendship, prayers and generosity- your gifts to us have actually increased over the last part of this year.   Yeah God!  We have been able to invest more in our friends in the East.  

Our conviction is that when we beg for money it dishonors Jesus who commanded us to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"  with the promise that "all these things shall be added to you" as we obey.

Our conviction is that God is generous, that God's people are generous and that when God speaks, His people love to obey Him.  Thank you for your generosity and obedience as we trust Him together to meet increasing challenges and opportunities in 2009.

Need some help escaping guilt and legalism and getting into the generous heart of God?   "Tithe and the Covenants"  listed below as a PDF will help.

Thank you Father that you loved us so much that you gave us your Son!

May we be generous as You are generous.

May you have a blessed holiday season with family and friends

Thank you so much again for your friendship

Steve & Marilyn

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