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Emile's Story Plus...

Apr 28, 2008 at 20:34
Category: Yeah God Files, Central Asia

By: Steve Hill

Some "Yeah God!" stories from our recent three weeks in Central Asia.   A big thanks to all of you for friendship, prayer and financial support.  These are your stories as well!

A petite Dungan lady came to one of the team days seeking prayer.  Her womb was full of cancer.  We all prayed!  Last Friday she had another appointment with her doctors and they were very confused to find no trace of cancer!  She was not confused and gave them a clear testimony to Jesus!  Well done Doctor Jesus!

Emile and his family are the only followers of Jesus in their village of 120 families.  The first months of their walk with Jesus were rough!  Their son had his arm broken during a beating at school.  They recently had another crises when his father died.  How would they bury a follower of Jesus in the village?  At first the Imam would not let them bury father in the village cemetery but the neighbors argued that he had been a good man even though he was a follower of Jesus!  They finally allowed him to be buried and when the village saw that they buried him in the Muslim style (wrapped in a sheet rather than the Orthodox style) they all became even more open!   Now the Imam has asked to talk through the Camel Tracks and Emil is believing for some of his neighbors to become followers of Jesus!  

Your prayers and support have enabled us to translate and publish the Camel Tracks into Kyrgyze and for our team to travel to Emil's remote village to support and encourage him!

Akil came to Jesus as a twelve year old boy through reading the New Testament.   The Koran instructs all Muslims to read the Old and New Testaments before they read any other books and that is what he did!  Upon becoming a follower of Jesus, his family faced great persecution, especially his father who was condemned by the Imam for not being able to control his own son.  Akil is now a young father but over the years he has seen many decide for Jesus and then fall back due to persecution.  He became convinced that decisions were made too quickly so determined to do things differently.  Recently he invited a mixed group of Muslims and followers of Jesus to live, read and pray together for six weeks.  About sixteen participated.  He is convinced that we must disciple to decision!  Interesting conclusion since that is also the conclusion of many working with disciple making and church planting movements!  We are to make disciples not count decision cards!

Your prayers and support have enabled our team to present forty Kyrgyze bibles to Akil and to encourage him in his walk with Jesus.  He is believing Jesus for healing from Hep A.  Please remember Akil in your prayers!

The government of Kyrgyzstan has proposed legislation to make it an offense for any group to "proselytize"  (speak about Jesus!) while doing charitable work.  A part of this legislation would require any church wishing to register to have a minimum of two hundred members.  That does not sound dangerous for house churches but similar legislation in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has resulted in house churches being raided and members being imprisoned!

Your prayers and support for the church in Central Asia are deeply appreciated!
Steve & Marilyn

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