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From Sergey

Sep 14, 2010 at 23:30
Category: Yeah God Files


Hello Friends, this is some correspondence from Sergey in Tajikistan as translated from Russian to English by Elena with some of my comments following.

"Peace be to you!  A request to pray.  One sister has been killed and her old sick Mother and her 3 kids stayed.  I want to take kids because they lived in a rented place and soon will find themselves in the street.  2 girls and 1 boy. A request to pray, kids are awesome and sweet.  Jesus blesses the ministry, guys come to repentance and their parents see miracles, praying for you!"

 I asked Sergey, why she was killed. 
He answered:
"Peace be to you! She wasn’t killed for faith. One man went out of prison and got into her soul so to speak, she believed him.  She started trying to help him out of the homeless lifestyle, but he ended up  murdering her.  
It is very unrestful in our country.  If God lets, we finally may be able to enter inside the prisons to minister.  Many guys are getting released, many are very sick, we are trying our best to provide some treatment.  We have moved into a new village with the bee hives, started ministry there among the houses of peace.  
We finally received the books, it is awesome, will start translating it soon.  
Pray for us, now the time is special and very difficult, every day  a large stream of people and they have large problems.  
Praying for you!"

In western societies the functions of care which God designed to be fulfilled by the family and the followers of Jesus are being fulfilled by government agencies.  However, as governments come under increasing financial pressures more and more people need help.  

In societies like Tajikistan there is much opportunity to serve.  Pray with Sergey for a place for these children whose mother was murdered.

Sergey became a follower of Jesus while in prison during the civil war in Tajikistan.  Fighting lasted from 1992- 1997 and completely devastated the country.  Many in prison died of starvation and disease.  Many still die today if they do not have relatives and friends who bring them food and medicines.   Most who do survive are sick upon their release.  TB, hepatitis C and Aids are epidemic.

 Sergey continued to visit the prisons but the prison guards began to demand such high payment for entry that he has been unable to visit for some time.  He kept contact with those inside via cell phone.  So the possibility of reentering the prison is good news!  

For even local folks to move into a new village creates suspicion so having the bee hives give the team a reason to enter a new area.   In order to provide for the homeless and the many coming out of prison, Sergey has a small tent community around the second beehive wagon which is set out in a field.

The Luke 10 Manual is proving highly effective in promoting simple obedience to Jesus in making disciples and creating organic communities "where ever life happens".  The first shipment of books was not allowed into the country.  This second shipment made it through.  Many in Tajikistan can read Russian but increasing numbers cannot so we need to translate and publish in Tajik.  

Your prayer and financial partnership with these friends in Central Asia is deeply appreciated

Harvest Now!

Steve & Marilyn 

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