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Prayer & Praise- January 2011

Jan 20, 2011 at 23:18
Category: Central Asia, Yeah God Files


Hello Friends, Praise Jesus for visitations and healing!  In Tajikistan, an Osetian named Volodia was dying due to advanced TB.  Sergey and friends prayed over him  and that night the Lord visited him.   Volodia  repented to Jesus & woke healed.

Pray for Nazar a husband and father of two children who was walking in his city in Kyrgyzstan when he was beaten and robbed of an almost worthless older cell phone.  In the course of the beating he was kicked in the face and his jaw was broken requiring extensive surgery and hospitalization.  

Praise Jesus for drawing men to Himself.  A member of the team in Kazkhstan is a well known former mullah.  During recent travel through several villages he was able to lead over 40 Kazak muslims to become followers of Jesus.  

Pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to break through to rescue teenaged girls in prostitution. Sergey says  " I know many of these girls and they keep getting worse and falling down thinking that they can not have a better life.  Pray for them. Their names are Shahnoza, Umedia, Ania, Ira and there are many others.  Please pray that we may be able to establish a house of mercy for them here in Dushanbe."

Praise the Holy Spirit for the impact that the Russian and Kyrgyze versions of "The Luke 10 Manual" are having in strengthening faith, purifying vision and deepening obedience amongst our friends there.

Pray for the translation and publication of "The Luke 10 Manual" in Tajik.

Pray for Monika, wife of George,  sister in Christ, part of a house church of Bulgarian expats in Rotterdam who went missing  before Christmas.  The police say that she is one of nine women who went missing in Rotterdam in December and feared to have been sold into the sex trade.  Since last March our friends Dancho and Didi have established 4 house churches in Rotterdam.

Praise the Lord of the Harvest as about 50 new houses of peace were established around Kyrgyzstan this year in spite of the ethnic conflicts and political uncertainty!

Pray for Sergey in Tajikistan who has a new problem- Mullas have begun to send demonized folks to him for prayer. They see that Jesus casts out demons and heals.

We are grateful for friends like Ryan at who are recommending "The Luke 10 Manual" to their friends,    A big "Thank you!"  as well to Lindsay of  for getting the word out.    To order your copy of Luke 10 just go to and click on the book.  Proceeds help to publish new editions in the East!  Also a  big thank you to Tony & Felicity Dale of for linking our last posting "Building Coffins or Relationships" in their House2House newsletter.

We appreciate your prayers as we prepare for a return trip to Egypt in late February with Dolf and Cees. The previous trip to Egypt we recorded the Luke 10 teaching with Arabic translation.  These Arabic MP3s are available at  under the Egyptian flag.  In early March the plan is for a first trip to Sudan with Jan Ernst Gabrielson.  

Thank you for your prayers and partnership

Every blessing

Steve & Marilyn

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