Why we do what we do!
Hello Friends, Below is a short note from friends in Kazakhstan who work in the south of the country in the city of Chymkent. This snap shot of what they are doing is why we do what we do and why we ask you to help us help them to do it! They are also involved in multiplying disciples and simple communities in 15 other locations. Our deepest appreciation and thanks to all of you who carry the least in their hearts, who pray and who give. Truly, whatever is done unto the least is done unto Jesus.
Shalom, dear beloved ones! How are you?
We are being overwhelmed by the influx of the homeless in the mercy home. It got cold, they are freezing outside. One had his feet frostbitten to the point of tissues dead, two were sleeping in a cold non heated room right on the floor... We are praying at the moment to be able to start a third house of mercy.
This week we are going to visit the elderly people's home (very poorly maintained by the government) and start visiting it regularily. Then we have planned to visit the women's prison and negotiate with the administration to be given the permission to visit their children. Pray that theuy do give us the addresses of the children, that we are able to prepare gifts for them for Christmas.
We also visit orphanage in Arysi and are getting ready to take 3 teenagers in who have nowhere to go after they 'graduate' from it.
Please pray for Tatiana and me and our minstry. Be blessed, see you in Chymkent.
The message of Christmas is not only the birth of Jesus into the world.
It is not only the incarnation of Christ in those who follow Him
The message of Christmas is also the presence of Jesus in the least and the privilege of ministering to them.
May this be a blessed Christmas season for you and your loved ones
Steve & Marilyn
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