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Thank you for 2016 & looking ahead to 2017

Jan 10, 2017 at 20:49
Category: Yeah God Files


Dear Friends

Trust you had quality time with your family and friends over the holiday season.  We had our kids  and grand kids all here for two weeks this past summer- the first time in three years that we have all been together since our youngest and her family live in Holland and our son and family live in Nova Scotia (only 2600 km from here!).    We did see our eldest daughter and her family between Christmas and New Years as we travelled down to visit them in the Toronto area .

As Marilyn says, we celebrated three years worth of Christmas, New Years,  birthdays and anniversaries in July! 

A very grateful "Thank you!"  for your support of Harvest Now over this past year.  It has been a good year with "The Luke 10 Manual" doing a lot of travel!  We were able to print another 1,000 copies of the Swahili version which are being shared in Rwanda, Burundi, the eastern part of DR Congo, Uganda and the Central African Republic.

The consistent testimony is that many are being set free to simply make disciples wherever life happens rather than striving after building, sound system and platform!  They have the only tool necessary to make disciples and that is time invested in another.  

We were also able to publish another 1,000 copies of the Urdu version to help fuel the fire of Jesus growing across Pakistan as many question traditional belief systems and have supernatural encounters with Him.

The brother in south west India who translated the Luke 10 into Telugu has reported some 450 baptisms and 45 house churches established in this past year. They are working in a rural Hindu stronghold and have faced some intense persecution up to homes burned down and lives lost.  A printing in Telugu is one of our next priorities!

Our friends in Central Asia keep moving forward.  While the home for women at risk in Tajikistan continues to struggle with vocational training and income creation, they have added bee breeding to their honey business and are now making semi precious stone jewelry and continue with their bakery.   Tajikistan has some of the most unreached corners of the globe in the mountains bordered by China and Afghanistan and Sergey is helping followers of Jesus to go to those villages.

We also encourage friends in Armenia, Turkey, Tanzania and the Philippines who are seeking to serve the poor and make disciples.  Many, many stories could be told!

The Luke 10 Manual is now available in Arabic on our website and soon the Luganda version will be up.  That will make 15 versions up and with another 4 underway-   Kirundi and Kinyarwanda for Central Africa,  a Tigrinya version for Eritrea to encourage one of the most persecuted churches in the world and the Cebuano version for the Philippines.  

Your partnership in prayer and support will enable us to continue to help these friends.  100% of your giving is invested in these projects and these friends.  

Thank you again and 

Every blessing in 2017

Steve & Marilyn

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