February, 19 2025

Steve & Marilyn

Steve & Marilyn
Steve & Marilyn

Als sie auf der Uni waren, wurden Steve und Marilyn 1971 durch die Jesus-People Christen. Der Wunsch, Philosophie zu unterrichten wich dem Wunsch, Jesus zu dienen. Noch w

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[Translate to german:] Welcome!

[Translate to german:] First time around or never felt welcomed? Read our welcome word!

Thank you for visiting!

Harvest Now

[Translate to german:] White fields

white harvest field

[Translate to german:] The fields are white. We are living in a move of God that is sweeping the earth. You are a part of it - whether you realize it or not! We welcome you to check out our resources and use this site to your benefit and to the benefit of the Kingdom!