October, 21 2024

Carole Baerg

Carole Baerg
Carole Baerg

After graduating from nursing school in St. Catharines, Ontario in Canada, Carole enrolled at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago in order to become a missionary nurse. After comleting one year at Moody, many things challenged her faith and Carole left Christianity to pursue a nursing career in Chicago. She did well and became the head nurse of the orthopedic wing of the University of Chicago Hospital. A bad car accident left Carole with serious injuries. While awaiting a surgical procedure that could leave her paralized, Carole was challenged to pray and ask God to show Himself to her by healing her. Carole prayed, God healed her and she left the hospital without surgery!

Carole came back to God and, as part of her reconciliation with her earthly father, asked him what he wanted her to do. Carole's father asked her to leave her career and return home to St. Catharines. Carole obeyed her father but shortly after her return to Canada, Carole began to experience an increasing number of flues, colds and lung infections. In 1974, Carole was diagnosed with an immune disease and given 3 or 4 months to live. By miracle, grace and prayer she lived although mostly bed-ridden until the fall of 1993. By that time Carole was tired of the pain and exhaustion of constantly struggling against the disease and was ready to be with Jesus.

In January of 1994 Carole went to the first renewel meetings at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and was wonderfully touched by God. She was the first to be carried out of those meetings so overcome by the Spirit that she could not walk and spent much of the next many months in that wonderful condition. After the first few days, Carole realized that the pain was gone and that she was sleeping through the nights, something she had not done in over 20 years.

Since that time Carole has been symptom-free, has travelled almost constantly ministering in churches and conferences and has seen God perform many miracles. Although Carole never married she has many spiritual children throughout the world who call her 'Nanna' because of her love for them and because of what God has done in them through her ministry.

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