February, 17 2025

Carole Baerg

Carole Baerg
Carole Baerg

Carole Baerg hatte das Krankenschwesternexamen in St. Catharines in Ontario, Kanada, abgelegt und besuchte nun das Moody Bibelinstitut in Chicago, um Missionsschwester zu werden. Doch nach einem Jahr erlebte sie viele Herausforderungen f

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[Translate to german:] Welcome!

[Translate to german:] First time around or never felt welcomed? Read our welcome word!

Thank you for visiting!

Harvest Now

[Translate to german:] White fields

white harvest field

[Translate to german:] The fields are white. We are living in a move of God that is sweeping the earth. You are a part of it - whether you realize it or not! We welcome you to check out our resources and use this site to your benefit and to the benefit of the Kingdom!