July, 27 2024

You can question everything except the elephant!

Monday March 20, 2006

Through my friend Arwie Koops I received an invitation to attend a symposium on the Ermerging Church that was held in Brussels last Saturday. Most of the folks hosting would have read Brian McLaren and it was interesting to...

Category: Leadership Files
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Preaching for Dollars!

Wednesday February 22, 2006

WARNING- the following contains views that are not balanced. They are based upon words of Jesus and Paul from the Bible!

While having a conversation about finance, I was reminded of that old rule: "Follow the money!"...

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Looking for Father in all the wrong places!

Monday June 6, 2005

The other day I was looking at a ministrywebsite that had caught my attention. Large ministry, good website and it contained a section devoted to their "newest ministry venture" which was such and such "Apostolic...

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