October, 22 2024

It all keeps happening!

Sunday July 29, 2018

Hello Friends

Wellcome to the last half of 2018!  What have we accomplished so far?


1/ 35 orphans & poor kids with Luke 10 friends in India have uniforms, food, lodging and are going to school.


2/ 85...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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Projecting Power

Sunday February 25, 2018

Friends, Maybe you have read about the mega church in China that was recently destroyed by government agents goo.gl/NgNMzK.  The church was in a very poor area of China.  The people sacrificed millions to build it...

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Relational Conflict and Growth

Sunday January 14, 2018

Friends, One of the constants of being a team is difference or even conflict over how to build, go forward,  handle a difficult situation or a difficult person. 


In a hierarchical system this often becomes an...

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Compassion Fatigue

Friday June 30, 2017

Dear Friends

I do not know who first used the phrase "compassion fatigue" but it is a reality that we all face.  With constant news of all the disasters, famines, wars and suffering of this world and with the...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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Mission & Community

Wednesday May 17, 2017


Dear Friends

Recently a friend contacted me very excited to have found true "ekklesia" according to 1 Corinthians 14:26 and asking me to watch a video..   So I watched the video.  It was an interesting...

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  • Real Life!
    Beautiful Evangelistic Site from David Sorenson.
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    Communicate the Message with Art Posters!
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  • Dreams of Jesus!
    Jesus capturing Muslim hearts through dreams and visons!
  • God is Real
    A site about knowing God and getting to know God