October, 22 2024

It all keeps happening!

Thursday October 4, 2012

Dear Partners, Our friends  in Kazakhstan have a community in an old sauna/bath house in a high crime area of their city.  They are reporting new baptisms there.  Maria in Osh, Kyrgyzstan shares that an...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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From Sergey in Tajikistan

Wednesday July 4, 2012

Friends the letter below (with minor editing)  is just in from Tajikistan We are grateful for our friends and partners in Central Asia and grateful for those of you  who help us help them.  Also  some of you...

Category: Doing the Stuff!, Central Asia
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Tajikistan- Challenges & Opportunities!

Saturday May 19, 2012

Friends, It was a joy to be in Tajikistan again and see the love of God in action.  There are now two simple "Houses of Peace" for men.  Both feature bee hives & honey making but one also has a small...

Category: Yeah God Files, Doing the Stuff!, Central Asia
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Simple Multiplies

Monday April 16, 2012

Hello Friends, in 2009 Fernando and Leen Pauwels  lived in Uganda for three months with their two preschool children.  Their home was a tent near an orphanage where they shared life with 30 teen aged boys.  Every...

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10 Traits of Disciple Making Movements

Thursday March 29, 2012

Hello Friends, We have been rereading the parables of the Kingdom and revisiting Church Planting Movements (the book & a free PDF booklet are available at www.churchplantingmovements.com).  David Garrison lists 10...

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