October, 22 2024

[Translate to german:] Colofon

[Translate to german:] This site is being build on the Open Source CMS Typo3. More info on this powerfull CMS check out their websites:

This site is build by Henjo Hoeksma. If you would like a website on a powerfull CMS, please contact him at: henjohoeksma(at)gmail.com .

Contributing translators (who are of most value when running 5 languages!):

  • French
    • Silvio Viotti
  • Dutch
    • Bert Boersma
    • Rony van Poucke
    • Henjo Hoeksma
  • English
    • Steve Hill
  • Russian
    • Costa
  • German
    • Dieter & Erika Raddatz

A great project and we love to get feedback on all of it!

[Translate to german:] Welcome!

[Translate to german:] First time around or never felt welcomed? Read our welcome word!

Thank you for visiting!

Harvest Now

[Translate to german:] White fields

white harvest field

[Translate to german:] The fields are white. We are living in a move of God that is sweeping the earth. You are a part of it - whether you realize it or not! We welcome you to check out our resources and use this site to your benefit and to the benefit of the Kingdom!