July, 27 2024

Jesus among the Least

Monday October 31, 2011

October 2011, Hello Friends, The team in Tajikistan was asked some questions about the girls who are coming to Jesus out of prostitution: 

1) The girls live in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan.  

2) They...

Category: Doing the Stuff!, Central Asia, Yeah God Files
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Notes from Central Asia

Sunday April 10, 2011

Friends, Some notes from Central Asia:

"Thanks to those who helped with funds to get the papers for the girls who came out of prostitution.  They are learning to read and we have gotten them the New Testament on CD....

Category: Central Asia
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Prayer & Praise- January 2011

Thursday January 20, 2011

Hello Friends, Praise Jesus for visitations and healing!  In Tajikistan, an Osetian named Volodia was dying due to advanced TB.  Sergey and friends prayed over him  and that night the Lord visited him.  ...

Category: Central Asia, Yeah God Files
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Wednesday June 23, 2010

Dear Friends, No doubt many of you have followed the news reports from Kyrgyzstan over the past couple of weeks.   Interim President, Rosa Otunbayeva has said that the death toll is more than 2,000.   Some 100,000...

Category: Central Asia
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Why we do what we do? (Christmas 2009)

Saturday December 26, 2009

Hello Friends

This is the best Christmas present that we could have possibly received!

This is why we do what we do.

May the miracle of Incarnation that we celebrate continue through us all!

May it continue through Gulnara...

Category: Central Asia, Yeah God Files
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