July, 27 2024

Mission or Marketing?

Friday September 15, 2006

Last July while we were with Bob & Trudy Hyde in Brixham, we watched a DVD of Steve Chalk preaching at one of the Bible weeks that England is famous for. Steve is the founder of Oasis Trust, www.oasistrust.org, which has...

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The 7 Day Weekend by Richardo Semler

Wednesday April 26, 2006

Talk about organic leadership!

Talk about trusting people!

Talk about destroying hierarchies!

Talk about releasing people!

Talk about integrity!

Talk about transparancy!

Talk about maximizing potential!

Talk about...

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Of Elephants and Rabbits, Of Oak Trees and Stawberry Plants

Wednesday April 12, 2006

Yesterday I was listening (via MP3) to Wolgang Simson speak to a house church conference about two of his friends. One was Rick Warren of Purpose Drive fame. The other was a Vietnamese lady named Sarah. Rick has been graced to...

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Looking for Father in all the wrong places!

Monday June 6, 2005

The other day I was looking at a ministrywebsite that had caught my attention. Large ministry, good website and it contained a section devoted to their "newest ministry venture" which was such and such "Apostolic...

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