February, 19 2025

True Kingdom Economics

Friday May 21, 2010

Friends. The stock markets are dropping amid worry of default on national debts.  We read the headlines and we also receive letters (like the one below) and struggle with how to adequately respond to our friends....

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Thank You!

Sunday December 14, 2008

Christmas 2008

As this year winds down there has been a lot of bad economic news and a lot of people and ministries are suffering.  I have some good news for you!  Thanks to your friendship, prayers and generosity-...

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The Joseph Company Delusion

Monday November 10, 2008

Several times over the past thirty-five years I have heard voices proclaim the raising up of a "Joseph Company" that will be given great wealth in order to "fund the end time harvest". Proverbs 13:22(b),...

Category: Follow the Money!
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Most of what is taught about money is wrong!

Tuesday April 1, 2008

We have received some very interesting responses to Lee Grady's review of "The Midas Touch" where  Kenneth Hagin rebukes his disciples for their greed and manipulative fund raising tactics.  In light of how...

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Preaching for Dollars!

Wednesday February 22, 2006

WARNING- the following contains views that are not balanced. They are based upon words of Jesus and Paul from the Bible!

While having a conversation about finance, I was reminded of that old rule: "Follow the money!"...

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