Title: single news message

Church at Moscow Airport Closes!

Dec 3, 2008 at 02:38

By: Steve & Marilyn Hill

Friends, you may remember Elizabeth who was abandoned at Moscow Airport without money or papers in September, 2007.  That fall, Brian and Ingrid connected with her on their way back from Central Asia and she became a disciple of Jesus.  As we travelled through we would take her food, funds, books and bibles and several of you did the same.  Many times Elizabeth was extremely lonely but came to see the time as a season of being discipled by Jesus.  On one trip we baptized Elizabeth and then two other of her disciples who were also forced to spend time in the terminal where they met Elizabeth and met Jesus as a result.  Eventually the church in Moscow Airport baptized 6 disciples.  

Elizabeth went home to Nigeria in May of this year after 18 months in Moscow.  However, Jorge, from Cuba, her last disciple was still there and we met him on our way out to Bishkek this October.  He speaks no English and we speak no Spanish but hugs and prayers communicate love.  We broke bread together with juice and chips and read the scriptures in English/Spanish.  Jorge was not there when we returned at the end of October.  He had gone back to Cuba where relatives who love Jesus  will continue to disciple him.  The last member of the church of Moscow Airport had gone.

The church may have ended but it was very effective and sent disciples to Sudan, Eritrea, Ivory Coast, Paris, Thailand, Cuba and touched others from many different nations.  Elizabeth would say that she would be there as long as Jesus had need of her there.  Now in Nigeria she continues with the vision to multiply disciples.

Thank you for all of your appreciative emails regarding "The Joseph Company Delusion".     As some of you know C Peter Wagner and ICA had a conference this month to release the Joseph Company by  "doing spiritual warfare"  to "open up the gates of supply"  for the "transfer of the wealth of the wicked to the righteous".   A few days ago I received their newsletter written by Doris Wagner.   It talked about the different types of spiritual warfare they needed to teach people to do, the difficulty of their financial situation and ended with  a strong plea for money.  It would seem to me that if you advertise conferences where you are going to teach people how to do spiritual warfare to open gates of supply and receive wealth, you should not need to beg for money.  Sad.  This is indicative of much of charismatic "how to" teaching-  what I call "spiritual technology" - which does not even work for those who teach it and which is devoid of focus upon Jesus.  It is "performance art" whose only purpose is to create an immediate buzz rather that lay foundations of Truth for life.

Some may question why I present such material and that is a good question.  Our focus is on simple disciple making and the formation of simple communities who will multiply disciples who will multiply communities.....   Many desire to walk in that reality and yet, like myself, may have spent many years in various forms of apostolic/prophetic renewal movements and been deeply involved in the "performance art" of the meetings and conferences.  We need to detox,  embrace Truth and get on with doing the real stuff.

Some may wonder why we publicly confront what others are doing.  Again, that is a good question.  I have corresponded with Doris Wagner about these issues but what is done publicly also needs to be handled publicly.    That is how Paul dealt with Peter in Galatians 2:11- 21, "I said to Peter before them all".   

We have just published a new edition of our article, "The Tithes and the Covenants"  on our site under "Resources".  If you need to detox from tithing systems and get into God's generous heart this article may help you.

We have a new article, "Apostles, Authority and the Kingdom of God" available here via PDF.  Click and read!  It is also on our website where your comments would be appreciated.

Do you Face Book?  We are on there as "Stephen W Hill".  Be my friend!

Do you Plaxo?  We are there as "Stephen W Hill" .  Feel the Pulse!

Every blessing

Steve & Marilyn

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