Title: single news message

In the Pamirs

Dec 30, 2011 at 11:19
Category: World View Files



Some recent pictures from Sergey in Tajikistan.  

He came to Jesus while in prison and continues to serve the prison church there.  

This fall two men came out of prison and returned to their home villages high in the Pamir Mountains that run between Western China, Northern Afghanistan and Southern Kyrgyzstan.  

Sergey was trusting for provision to visit them.  

They are probably the first followers of Jesus in their villages.  

Two other new followers were just released from the same prison and have gone home- to Afghanistan.

They were imprisoned as Muslim extremists but have returned home as followers of Jesus.  

Much of Tajikistan is cold, alpine desert with small valleys where food is grown under irrigation.    

The first photo is of Sergey in one of these fields.  

Subsequent photos are in the people and of terrain. We have driven on some of those roads!  

Your friendship, partnership with us is really a partnership with friends like Sergey as they share Jesus with some of the least and the last.  

God Bless you and may you be challenged to follow the Master on His Mission in 2012.  

Steve & Marilyn

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