Friends, the south of Kyrgyzstan is quiet after the June explosion of Kyrgyze on Uzbek violence, looting and burning that left over 2,000 ethnic Uzbeks dead and some 400,000 displaced. The United Nations and the Red Cross are involved but restoration will be slow and handicapped by corruption. Kyrgyze followers of Jesus report that it is difficult to reach out to Uzbeks with help due to retaliation from other Kyrgyze. Our prayer is that this Muslim on Muslim violence will cause truth seekers to turn to the Prince of Peace. This is what is happening in the Darfour area of Sudan where the violence of Arab Muslims against African Muslims has caused so much death and destruction. Many in Darfour are now turning to Jesus.
We pray the same for Kyrgyzstan! One of our friends in the south reports that as a result of the recent events they have been received in another seven villages. They have also baptized nine new followers of Jesus, report a lady healed of cancer and simply continue to do the stuff of the Kingdom through all the troubles.
A mature Kyrgyze brother from Bishkek joined the team in late 2009 and is now visiting twenty-eight houses in four provinces of Kyrgyzstan. Two of those have transitioned from houses of peace to house churches. He is grateful for the resources to travel and asks me to thank "all the brothers and sisters who sacrifice for the salvation of our nation."
Sergei in Tajikistan continues to pray for laborers and continues to raise them up from the harvest. However, the police seem to be increasing their persecution against him since many of his laborers are former addicts and prisoners without proper identification papers. Five brothers are now needing ID at a cost of $100 each. That is an enormous cost in a country where a day laborer may make $2.00 per day. If you would like to help, we can send you the photos of the men needing the papers. They would be very grateful.
The sister in Chymkent, Kazakhstan who leads the House of Mercy residence is an amazing lady. She goes into the rotting basements to find and share Jesus with the addicts. She drags them out, cleans them up and gets them established in the house. For income for the home and work for the brothers and sisters, she runs a maintenance/construction business servicing a large school in the city. Her team also just ran a camp for forty (mostly non believing) young people where Jesus moved in power to heal, deliver and save many.
The Russian and Kyrgyze versions of the Luke 10 Manual (The English version is on our website for you to read!) will soon need a second printing. A highly educated Uzbek brother who has been involved in Bible translation work for the past twenty years read that little manual and said, "This is the clearest presentation of the Kingdom of Jesus that I have ever read. It is stripped of all western and christian culture. This is a huge help in presenting Jesus and His kingdom in every culture but especially to my Muslim culture."
We and our friends in Central Asia are grateful for your friendship, prayers and financial support
Harvest Now!
Steve & Marilyn