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Yeah God Stuff!

Mar 24, 2010 at 11:36
Category: Yeah God Files


Hello Friends.  Marilyn and I are enjoying Europe and sharing times with our friends here.  If any of you want to follow us on Face Book that would be fun!  We continue to be amazed at the buzz "The Luke 10 Manual, Mission as Modeled and Mandated by Jesus" is getting.  Check it out on the website!  But now a couple of stories from Central Asia.

One of the sisters in Kyrgyzstan heard a loud crash in the middle of the night just below her apartment and rushed outside to find four young people had crashed their car and were immobile inside the wreck.  Other neighbors had also come out and were crying out to Allah.  The sister shouted "Not Allah but Jesus!" and began to try to drag the bodies out of the car.  The others stood back citing fear of an explosion and fire since gasoline was leaking everywhere.  Our friend kept working until all four were out of the car and laid out on the side walk a safe distance from the wreck.  There was much wailing and crying as the crowd thought they were dead.  That is when this sister began to pray over the bodies in Jesus name.  And that is when the four stood up and began to walk around.  You can imagine the reaction in the crowd!

Were they really dead or only stunned?  I do not know but those there thought they were dead.  The sister who prayed is  a health practitioner on a level as a nurses aid and she believed they were dead.  There were no police or ambulance in attendance as this was the middle of the night in the middle of Kyrgyzstan.

You would think that four resurrections in Jesus Name would be enough excitement for one night but then while they were all standing around a young woman went into a grand mall epileptic seizure.  Her mother sought to keep her safe and again there were cries to Alah.  Again, our sister began to pray in Jesus name and the young woman immediately became calm and returned to her senses.  She has not had a seizure since.  Doctor Jesus does great work!

How things change!  Before the neighbors avoided her because she was a follower of Jesus.  Now she has a steady stream of neighbors coming to her apartment to talk about Jesus.

Now from the supernatural to the supernaturally natural!  Kolybek and Emil were the first followers of Jesus in their families.  They loved Jesus and attended a local little German baptist church.  However, there were money issues and leadership problems in the church so many Kyrgyze left and then many of the baptists actually left Kyrgyzstan.   Kolybek and Emil connected with one of our team and began the simply church journey.  Last fall when their harvest came in they had a problem.  What to do about giving?  They had no building or pastor to support so now what?  Their decision was to take flour and give a winter supply to all the handicapped and disabled in their circle of villages.  As a result of their giving over eighty very poor folks had bread for the winter.  

The elders of the villages and the local mosques simply could not understand why anyone would do such a thing.  What a testimony to the love of Jesus for the least.  What an example of Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

What a joy to partner with and encourage such followers of Jesus

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Steve & Marilyn

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