Worship in the Heart Language!
Friends, let me introduce you to Nedera a Kyrygze song writer and musician who is playing their traditional three stringed instrument the Kamuz. One of her songs about the Father Heart of God is song all over Kyrgyzatan and often the Kyrgyze weep as they sing it!
A slogan on several prominent Mosques is that "God has no son". However, if God does not have a son then he is not a father and we are not his sons and daughters either! The revelation of God as the Father of Jesus and thus their father is particularly powerful for our muslim background friends.
In "Church Planting Movements" Dave Garrison speaks of the characteristics of church planting movements and lists things that they all evidence- extraordinary prayer, abundant evangelism, intentional planting of reproducing churches, authority of God's word, local leadership, lay leadership, simple/house churches, churches planting churches, rapid reproduction, healthy churches.
He lists another ten things that most movements exhibit- a climate of uncertainty in society, insulation from outsiders, high cost of following Jesus, bold fearless faith, family based conversion patters, rapid incorporation of new believers, worship in the heart language, divine signs and wonders, on the job training, missionaries suffer.
Those lists are powerful check points of what God is doing and how we can come along side Him! They are also a rebuke to much of what we think is necessary!
It is wonderful as we watch what is happening in Central Asia. It is wonderful to see that God has raised up a Kyrygze song writer! They worship in their heart language rather than singing English songs in Russian translation!
On our website we have just posted a new resource "The Commands of Jesus" for use in one on one relational discipleship. Discipleship is very simple- training the nations, one persona at a time, to do all that Jesus commanded!
Every blessing
Steve & Marilyn
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