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Visions & Dreams Testify of Jesus

Apr 25, 2012 at 12:26


Hello Friends, the following is a testimony from a Muslim.  For the whole testimony you can go to the link below.  

"Let me explain how my interest was aroused and how it urged me to know more about Christ.

I was praying and asking Allah for help, for wisdom and knowledge so that I could convert Christians to Islam. The leaflets that I had picked up were the Gospel of John and when I read it, my inner eyes were opened. When I began reading,

John 1:1-2

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God

2 He was with God in the beginning

I laughed about the Christian mind and said to myself that they are foolish, they don’t know that in the beginning was Allah, yet they believed in some word, surely this was stupid and it should be easy for me to convert them to Islam.

Jesus in the Quran

I continued praying to Allah to accomplish my vision to convert Christians to the only and holy religion of Islam. One night, a man dressed in white appeared in my dream. He asked me, “Do you want to convert Christians to Islam?” “Yes,” I answered. “Then read the Quran in your own language”, I heard the man say. For the information of the distinguished reader: usually, the Quran is always read in Arabic. So it was an encouragement for me to know that there is some power helping me to know more about the truth. I was to convert people and this way I would go to heaven.

So I began studying the Quran in Urdu, my own language and found several suras (as the different chapters of the Quran are called) regarding Jesus. I was reading that God called Him “word of His mouth”, or “word of God” or “Word from God”. It shocked me to read the same wordings here that I was reading before in the Gospel of John, that in the beginning was the Word… I began to read more carefully and then, the same person appeared in my dream again asking, “Do you want to know more about the truth so that you can convert Christians to Islam?” “Yes,” I replied. “Then read the Quran in your own language,” I heard once again. So I continued to study the Quran in Urdu and found out that Jesus is called there the “Spirit of God” or “Spirit from God”, or “Spirit from Him”.

I was very upset and confused about what I was reading. What was I supposed to do? Again,for a third time, this same person appeared and asked me yet again, “Do you want to know more about the truth?” “Yes,” I answered again. ”Then read the Quran in your own language.”  I continued studying and read that Jesus was the only One to perform miracles, that he was the only One to have the power to heal the leprous and give sight to the blind by birth. Jesus was the only One in the Quran who spoke out when He was an infant, saying. “I am a servant of God and God made me a prophet.” I went on studying and found most of my questions that I wanted to ask Christians, answered. I was surprised to read Jesus saying, “Blessed is the day when I was born, when I will die and when I will rise again.” I found so many things in the Quran, since for me it was unholy to read the Bible, because according to my knowledge it was a fraud copy of the original Bible."

God is moving!

Please continue to pray for our friends in Central Asia

Steve & Marilyn

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