July, 27 2024

Thank You!

Sunday December 14, 2008

Christmas 2008

As this year winds down there has been a lot of bad economic news and a lot of people and ministries are suffering.  I have some good news for you!  Thanks to your friendship, prayers and generosity-...

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Emile's Story Plus...

Monday April 28, 2008

Some "Yeah God!" stories from our recent three weeks in Central Asia.   A big thanks to all of you for friendship, prayer and financial support.  These are your stories as well!

A petite Dungan lady came...

Category: Yeah God Files, Central Asia
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God Bless You!

Sunday December 23, 2007

Thank you for sharing in faith, finance and friendship during this past year.  We have experienced some extreme challenges.  The greatest of these was the early call home of our Central Asian team leader, Yuri...

Category: Yeah God Files
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Miracle Stories

Wednesday November 28, 2007

We love to hear the stories of what God is doing! Friends in Belgium report that a close friend was hospitalized with severe Lupus and while in hospital had a stroke which left her incoherent and with the Doctor saying she had...

Category: Yeah God Files
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Acts 2 in Uzbek!

Thursday October 18, 2007

Marilyn and I came to faith in 1971 and began to immediately share Jesus all over the university that we were attending.  It was not long before thirty to seventy kids were packing out our apartment twice a week.  It...

Category: Yeah God Files, Apostolic, Central Asia
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