Our recent article, "A Prophetic Word for 2008" generated more comment and was republished more than any other we have written. Thank you all for your encouragement and trust in sending that word on to your...
"In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes." Judges 21:25 You may have heard this scripture read as descriptive of a problem to be solved by establishing a king and...
There has been a wonderful move of God in Ukraine since the Iron Curtain rusted away. The majority of pastors and missionaries in Russia and the former states of the Soviet Union are Ukrainian. We began working in...
One of the recurring words of the prophetic movement is that of a new generation arising which will really do the stuff and rise above the sins and failures of the old. Aside from the fact that the prophets love the word...
Friends, we had a discussion of this theme with our team in Central Asia in December. Listen in!
I Corinthians 3 is a powerful affirmation of the activity of God in the lives of His people! Paul had total faith in God's...