February, 17 2025

Relational Integrity

Thursday July 10, 2008

The prophets keep speaking.  Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstram  declare in "The Starfish and the Spider"  "the unstoppable power of leaderless organizations".  These are organizations whose...

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Better for you!

Tuesday June 24, 2008

"It is to your advantage that I go away!" Our fascination with celebrities often becomes personality cult. One of the things which I simply do not understand about American politics is the messianic fervor which seems...

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Most of what is taught about money is wrong!

Tuesday April 1, 2008

We have received some very interesting responses to Lee Grady's review of "The Midas Touch" where  Kenneth Hagin rebukes his disciples for their greed and manipulative fund raising tactics.  In light of how...

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Leadership Summits

Tuesday February 19, 2008

It has been interesting to read several glowing reports from different streams about New Year Leadership Summits.  The reported characteristic of the summits has been to gather without an agenda except to wait on God. ...

Category: Leadership Files
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Luke 10

Friday February 15, 2008

One of the commands of Jesus in Luke 10 is to pursue family based conversion patterns.  We are to go to the home of a person of peace and disciple them in the context of their own home and teach them to become the pastor of...

Category: Doing the Stuff!, Leadership Files, Apostolic, Central Asia
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