September, 21 2024

10 Traits of Disciple Making Movements

Thursday March 29, 2012

Hello Friends, We have been rereading the parables of the Kingdom and revisiting Church Planting Movements (the book & a free PDF booklet are available at  David Garrison lists 10...

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Would you like to join our... ?

Wednesday March 14, 2012

Friends, recently I received an invitation to join a new association for ministry leaders  which was being called together to facilitate relationships, accountability,  training, conferences,  to share resources....

Category: Leadership Files
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A Challenging Story

Thursday April 28, 2011

Friends, let me share a story with you as related to me by a Canadian friend who spends significant time in India.  His last trip there was earlier this year during which time  he met an Indian brother with a very...

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Building Coffins or Relationships?

Friday December 31, 2010

Hello Friends, We trust you have had a great Christmas Season with family and friends.    Please receive our best wishes for the New Year!    Speaking of the New Year- the New Year's letter of...

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Hans Nielson Hauge

Tuesday November 2, 2010

Friends, from November 3 through 15 I will be in Norway sharing on the theme of Mission as Modelled and Mandated by Jesus from the Luke 10 Manual.  We are grateful for the opportunity and the Manual is being translated into...

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