February, 18 2025

Pure religion and undefiled from Sergey in Tajikistan

Saturday March 18, 2017

Peace be to you and blessings, . We are always thankful to the Lord for you, praying that He blesses you in your labor and service. 


We are working and not always seeing success but the desire and willingness to save...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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Raw and uncut from Tajikistan

Monday October 24, 2016

Raw & Uncut from TJ, "Pray as girls from the mercy home are helping other girls that are in the streets and we found a place to gather girls there twice a week from the streets, hopefully feed and help. Also guys...

Category: Doing the Stuff!, Central Asia
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Thank you!

Sunday September 4, 2016



On August 29th we celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary with a nice dinner at Red Lodge on Lake Manitou.  Yes, all of the cliches are true especially "We are not old enough for this!"...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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Why I never use the phrase "God Told Me"

Thursday June 11, 2015

Several reasons why i never say, "God told me...." 

1/ I need counsel, feed back and wisdom from my friends.  The "God told me" line shuts down all feedback.  Who wants to argue with God?...

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News from Tajikistan

Friday May 29, 2015

Peace be to you and blessings!

The Lord is blessing us as the President made a decree where the ID documents\passports are to be given without any obstacles to the orphans and orphanage graduates.  We started compiling...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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