October, 21 2024


You can support us in various ways and for various goals! You find the info on both of them here. Thank you for supporting us and supporting the Body of Christ.

What can you support?

  1. General support
  2. Support the Prison Ministry
  3. Support the buying and distribution of Bibles
  4. Support the outreach to and taking care of Street Children
  5. Support Church Planters

How can you support?

For every donation you make, please supply the option you like to support. You can do this by providing the keywords (the underlined words in the list above) in the comment field of payment. For every donation made without a comment it will be counted as if General is selected. Here are the different options you can use to make a donation:

  1. Donate using PayPal with this button:
  2. Donate using PayPal with this link: donate!
  3. North America

    Cheques payable and sent to Harvest Now, 35 Colony Trail, Holland Landing ON, L9N 1C6

  4. Europe

    Harvest Now Address: Hoenderhoeve 23, 3992 XK, Houten, The Netherlands


First time around or never felt welcomed? Read our welcome word!

Thank you for visiting!

Harvest Now

White fields

white harvest field

The fields are white. We are living in a move of God that is sweeping the earth. You are a part of it - whether you realize it or not! We welcome you to check out our resources and use this site to your benefit and to the benefit of the Kingdom!

how to partner with Harvest Now financially

Links on church

General links

  • Real Life!
    Beautiful Evangelistic Site from David Sorenson.
  • Life Posters!
    Communicate the Message with Art Posters!
  • E-Sword
    The best Bible Software available for free!
  • Dreams of Jesus!
    Jesus capturing Muslim hearts through dreams and visons!
  • God is Real
    A site about knowing God and getting to know God