February, 17 2025

10 Traits of Disciple Making Movements

Thursday March 29, 2012

Hello Friends, We have been rereading the parables of the Kingdom and revisiting Church Planting Movements (the book & a free PDF booklet are available at www.churchplantingmovements.com).  David Garrison lists 10...

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How to Help, A tale of two Orphanages

Friday March 23, 2012

Friends, this is from a brother doing a study on child care world wide who was given a copy of "How to Help- a tale of two orphanages".... 

Thank you for this, which is interesting.    I’m actually part...

Category: Doing the Stuff!
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Would you like to join our... ?

Wednesday March 14, 2012

Friends, recently I received an invitation to join a new association for ministry leaders  which was being called together to facilitate relationships, accountability,  training, conferences,  to share resources....

Category: Leadership Files
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"After Birth Abortion"

Monday March 5, 2012

Brace yourselves. We’re reaching the next stage, as predicted by Francis Schaeffer a generation ago. Now the experts tell us that after-birth abortion is ethical.   After-birth abortion should be considered late-term...

Category: World View Files
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white harvest field

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