July, 27 2024

Summer 2013

Thursday July 18, 2013

Greetings Friends!  Summer on Manitoulin Island is wonderful as testified by the doubling of our population from about 10,000 to 20,000.  Never heard of Manitoulin Island?  It is the largest fresh water island in...

Category: Yeah God Files
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Follow the Money

Friday May 31, 2013

Friends.  Some time ago in another context I stated "Western Christianity spends more money on conferences about mission than actually doing mission" and of course that statement was challenged as it should be....

Category: Follow the Money!
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She is Worth Protecting

Monday April 8, 2013

She is Worth Protecting by Harvey Carey, youth pastor Salem Baptist Church

“We are not predators, we are protectors.” —Jonathan Welton

A strip club opened near my church in Chicago that was illegally allowing in minors. So I...

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Reaching the Unreached!

Monday April 1, 2013

Hello Friends, A short google search about evangelism among unreached people groups will yield several different variations of the reality that  only 10% of mission effort is directed towards unreached people groups and only...

Category: Central Asia
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The Naked God

Saturday March 30, 2013

God the Father  sacrificed God the Son for a relationship with you.  There are no "right" ways to pray.  There are no steps to follow.  There are no spiritual techniques to employ.  There are no...

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