October, 22 2024

The 7 Day Weekend by Richardo Semler

Wednesday April 26, 2006

Talk about organic leadership!

Talk about trusting people!

Talk about destroying hierarchies!

Talk about releasing people!

Talk about integrity!

Talk about transparancy!

Talk about maximizing potential!

Talk about...

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Love Feast

Saturday April 15, 2006


The meaning of the love feast divides Christians now as it has in the past. The reality is that whatever meaning you attach to the symbols you are wrong because it is not a symbolic meal!

What really does a bit of dry...

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Of Elephants and Rabbits, Of Oak Trees and Stawberry Plants

Wednesday April 12, 2006

Yesterday I was listening (via MP3) to Wolgang Simson speak to a house church conference about two of his friends. One was Rick Warren of Purpose Drive fame. The other was a Vietnamese lady named Sarah. Rick has been graced to...

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